Examine the file paths to executables and check that they exist and have the correct permissions.



A data frame of information on the status of each executable.


rfacts has strict system requirements, and the installations vary from system to system. You need to specify the locations of system executables in a CSV file that lists the path and metadata of each executable. This file must have one row per executable and the following columns.

  • executable_type: Must be "mono", "flfll", or "engine" to denote the general type of the executable.

  • facts_version: The version of FACTS with which this executable is compatible.

  • path: File path to the executable.

  • engine_name: For engines only. Name of the engine. Must be one of the engine types in the example CSV file at system.file("example_paths.csv", package = "rfacts").

  • param_set: For engines only. Parameter set designation listed in the XML code of FACTS files for that engine. See system.file("example_paths.csv", package = "rfacts") for examples.

  • param_type: For engines only. Parameter type designation listed in the XML code of FACTS files for that engine. See system.file("example_paths.csv", package = "rfacts") for examples.

When you call a trial simulation function in rfacts, the package automatically reads this file and memorizes the contents for later use. The file at system.file("example_paths.csv", package = "rfacts") (inst/example_paths.csv in the package source.) has an example of such a file. All the columns in that file are required, and you may, remove, or modify rows to fit your specific system.

To enable rfacts to find this CSV file, you need to set the RFACTS_PATHS environment variable to the path to this file. The easiest way to do this is call usethis::edit_r_environ() to edit your .Renviron file and then add a new line with something like RFACTS_PATHS=/path/to/file/paths.csv. Then, restart your R session and call Sys.getenv("RFACTS_PATHS") to verify that this environment variable was set correctly.

The rfacts_sitrep() function inspects the current system dependency info and ensures each executable exists and has the correct permissions.

If you change the RFACTS_PATHS environment variable, you need to call reset_rfacts_paths() or restart R for the changes to take effect.

See also



# Can only run if system dependencies are configured:
if (file.exists(Sys.getenv("RFACTS_PATHS"))) {